February 10, 2014

[Outfit Post] After snow

Two days ago,it was really heavily snow and feeling that I'm back to Aomori( the place where I studied).It was so excited when I see the snow falling and just a great day.The temperature is quite steady when snowing and you will feel like so fresh and won't feeling so freeze.I love snow but please don't too much!!

Just snap before the snow gone!
SO warm  after snow!!!Me and the sweater only and no need jacket at all.!Unbelieveable? Well,just my style!

New hair color and hello to the bangs! Just feeling...Imma kid now.:(

Dannyboy sweater // Zara paggings // H&M bootie // Murua Shade //

Heard that will snowing again this coming weekend...can't wait to enjoy the snow!
See you in very soon!!


1 comment:

  1. wow snowwww! i think should be very nice to take photo since the white snow will reflect the sunlight! =D
