December 19, 2013

New hair!!!!!

Good morning from Tokyo.Just relaxing at my frens place right now and decided to have a short update here.Like finally I gonna flying tonight and I think my family and friends are super looking forward to meet me!!!Just miss my family so much!!!

Done my hair yesterday at Nalu omotesando by Dejima San. He always so caring my hair all the way and I say I want a super bright hair and he said bleach is not good for my hair and he refused to do it for me...Sob sob But finally I got a  few pink hair on it!!Thats he made for me as my request!!lol 
The result by sitting there around 5 hours!!(dye 2 times for brighten up my hair) 

Hello from Dejima San!! Arigatou! He seems so look forward to see my bridal Anyway,you should visit him too when you come Japan!

Super hungry and find out my bestie for dinner!!I was just like a 'hungry ghost'!!!
Super nice papaya salad and tom yum!!A Thai cuisine located at shinokubo!I always thought there was just Korean cuisine there!
Satisfied (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

Will doing my lashes later before fly!!Seems everything had done and ready to flyyyy...

See you guys soon in Malaysia!!


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