October 23, 2013

Daphne Goes To Hakone [Venetian Glass Museum]

Wondering where is this place?Very nice right..this is also the first time being here and visit the glass musuem.Everything made by glass as you can see the tree up there. Just feeling coming inside a wonderland.We planned our Hakone trip because we wanted ti visit some natural place and relax(Not enough?) We relax enough when surrounded by the green! (We just love here so much)
Venetian Glass Musuem is located in Hakone and there displayed over 100+ glassware here from all around the world.(Something just like ART).

When you entered the main entrance..the is the view!
Inside the venetian musuem. We just walked around here and that day was rainy day so we are not able to stay outdoor coz quite cold and I just can't stand anymore...TT Keep walking around and hunting something special.
Some Xmas tree made by glass.
This is sounds creepy but it is my favorite!

Off to another part of the musuem,everywhere is so nice.You will feel that you are currently stay inside a palace something (Just don't know how to describe).
The [Flash Tree].The crystal fountain reaches 8m tall and made from over 45 thousand pieces of crystal.How amazing!! 
We went for petite tea time at the cafe Terrazza before check in the hotel. Just wondering everyone went inside because it is raining outside. (Luckily we got a super nice seat in the cafe)

Caffe Terrazza is a coffee shop located in the middle of the musuem and you can enjoy the local Italian Canzoni presented by the Italian performer.if you lucky to get in the time for the perfomance!! Please enjoy and it is really good!! (I just sit there and enjoy the Canzoni for 30 minutes) while our cake is already finished ...(Muka tembok) lol
The signature cake here -----limited edition Mozaic cake with blueberry moose and cream cheese flavor!

You can watch the video here and enjoy the ballad song!

Okay,won't be wordy post so I stop here..Bye!


1 comment:

  1. OMG this place is fantastic! I would like to someday be able to go there! Fantastic post Daphne!
