October 21, 2013

Daphnefroggy Goes To Hakone [Ebina SA & MT.Fuji view]

Hello,finally back for blogging life again and today will blog about my birthday trip. So first time to be in Hakone and of course very looking forward for it.We drove around 4 hour from our place and stop by Ebina SA and having our breakfast.(As you can see the ramen that I had) The famous snack here was the melon bread so I have bought 2 of them but sorry don't have pictures here so please imagine by yourself.So tired the driver and warn me never snap his face. Bla~~~~>.<////////

Hunting for some cute souvenir.Just thinking Japanese always make the food packaging so cute!!

Drove more than 2 hours and we reached the place which can see Mt.Fuji.So not very near but I really see it so clear and damn cold that day. How is it??
 I'm just running around and DannyBoy took this for me...I was just like a kid when wearing beanie.
 Run and keep running to make myself warm...(Trembling)..
okay will blog about the other soon so please look forward for it. Bye bye off to work lol


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