April 18, 2013

Outfit Post: Inspired of Harajuku Girl

Living for Japan so many years and I never try Harajuku's style before so today I'm going to try! *Such a big news* lol
Maybe it looks weird on me but you have to read today.*Sorry* Lack of shopping recently and I will mix&match with the previous item but still look good!
Blazer from Royal Party // Tops & chiffon skirt from MURUA // Oxford style bootie bought from Harajuku // Oxford style hat from H&M .
Guess what? Harajuku always selling super cheap stuff and it is too CUTE! But sometimes you will see some 'Copy item' from well-known branded.Maybe they try to make some inspired item but too over sometimes! (Like last time Cheesie said she was so sad to see they copying too much from Murua and Emoda and selling in cheap price..) and also bad quality as well.
Girls!!!Please buy the real one! (I swear the material is 100% better than you buy the cheap one.No money??Just save and buy it! ----THIS IS MY FEELING I'm not forcing you to waste money.
Okay spam with few more pose to finish. Please be patient with my outfit picture.
This is harajuku girl's look.How was it?They love long dress and very vintage stuff ever.Sometimes I should try vintage outfit and maybe I suit to be a harajuku girl!They didn't look sexy and having hot body like shibuya gyaru but they have their perfect style too.(This is my opinion anyway)
*My hubby don't like me wearing like this and he said I look like a school girl* pissedT__T

However,I'm enjoy this outfit !
Thanks again my camera man.

P/S: Thanks for everybody who msg me last night when saw my Instagram.I'm better nao.!
        Feel like want to write on my blog but anyway I just skipped that! Anyway have a nice day!

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