April 19, 2013

March OOTD

# Overslept day and rush with the Ambercombie and leather jacket...lol Very warm jacket ever and it is freaking expensive anyway! (It is a gift from my friends luckily)
# Actually this is not OOTD but a new outfit tester day!Bought a brand new leggings on website and super warm and comfy(Althought my leg still so FAT) Red jacket make me feel so SPRING!
# With my favorite sweater from INGNI. So school girl look right?Putting on my white converse and mix with ZARA denim shirt. oh well,this is daphnefroggy's style.
# So the next day I'm wearing this again.Can't live without monotone stuff.Black&White was my favorite.Maybe you guys will feel bored on my blogspost but anyway this is ME! Outfit details again--Bomber jacket by Topshop // LongTee bought from Korea // favorite UGG boots!
# I remembered that day was Saturday! Hubby fetch me to work so I just wear super casual with a pink hoodie and UniQlo jeans. I think you can feel my bag look smaller than weekdays coz no need to bring too much stuff since I have driver on weekend.
# This picture must be one of my good hair day! Yay! I feel so lazy all the time when make appointment to do treatment,so pray for good hair everyday! My first long fringe and I'm so excited finally I can look more mature. #MacamYesFace (Only Malaysian can understand what I'm talking about) *Evil Smile*
How was my hair looks recently..
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I will Hi back to you too..

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