Hello 2020, updating my last trip to Karuizawa.
It's our second time we went Karuizawa, the first time we went to Kusatsu(2018) and also stayed at friend's place. I think I didn't blogged it proper so... here are some photos.
Yes, that was 2018.
I realized I skipped so many post. But I have made a video if you guys wanna watch
We actually wanted to stay our friend's place again but lastly we don't. The place quite far away, and I'm afraid of those narrow road again make me feel sick... we just had a relax drive and chill, drop by any nice place for meal.
長野県 北佐久郡軽井沢町 長倉 塩沢762-7

We didn't plan much for this trip, just looking for some place for lunch before check in time. Just a bit worry because the building quite old and ... not sure it's open or close? When we walk inside and theres only an old women serve us , I think her husband might be the chef. Lovely couple!! Menu was a little, I remembered like 3-4 kinds. Not much.
The boys having hamburg with rice, and I'm trying the cold noodles.
The dishes are good. Even it takes long time to be serve. Taste like normal Japanese home cook.The noodle was unexpected! Super good, I didn't know rice noodle can be so good like this way. Usually we have hot soup pho something but the couple makes it chill and the soup base just mild! I miss this so much ( as I'm writing the post now) !

Unexpected restaurant, super satisfy! But not recommend to quick order, because they takes almost 30 mins to serve.
〒389-0103 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町軽井沢12-18

The famous dining place in Karuizawa. We went the place which having dining and bakery! If you are bread lover. You have to visit this place. We actually looking for so many restaurant before a day, and we can't decide what to eat, lastly we decide to walk around and decide it.
Their famous menu is burger set, which is homemade hamburg with those soft breads! But the day we went was sold out. Its ok! We didn't craving for burger too. As you wondering what burger is it?
Picture from google.

Daddy's order.
Mine :)
Each set come with salad and breads! You can order more if you need.
Of course the veggie so fresh , because normally Danny didn't eat salad, but he finished all the salad here. which means.... :)

The kids set.
I can have the kid set too... if no one laugh at me... lol

(Because there are a tempura shop which is so famous too, have to try out next time)
(星野リゾート ハルニレテラス内)
(星野リゾート ハルニレテラス内)

As I said wanted to visit the curry place right?
Before we heading back, we went to Hoshino resort terrace and have a walk. Danny said he still so full because of our hotel dining is buffet style and we just keep eating for 2 days ( breakfast and dinner) lol
But I'm still not giving up yet for my favorite curry! As I said I wanted to try, so we just found this inside the terrace and luckily its not too crowded.
The shop is selling curry ingredients and also some nepal's spices. When you walk inside the shop you can smell the spices.
We ordered seafood, chicken curry set for each. Naan and rice set.
What I can tell is... the naan here super good! especially the cheese naan, I still can't get more for that!
and.... he loves it so much! Satisfied.

They also having a menu which is mutton curry, but sold out that day! Try it next time! Have to work out more to eat more. Really satisfied road trip ever!
That day we all eat too much... weight gained about 2kg... oh god :(
See you and hope you enjoy!