Hello! Just before I forgot to update---I went to the sandrio theme cafe last few weeks with the pretty girls! Managed to meet all of them during their Japan trip and I just too excited to pay a visit to this kind of cutest cafe!
We just planned to visit kikilala cafe but end with Melody & my sweet piano temporary cafe which is located at Parco Shibuya!
Be frank,I quite in love with MSP since she is a pink sheep and don't know why I just fall in love with her so much and bought a lot pinky stuffs recently...OMG!
Before enter the seat you can get a group photo at the photo booth!

*Sorry for blur picture*

Even the menu also cute and I can die......!!!
Their food is not much that we expected and we just order each 1 and chilling at the cafe for the whole afternoon!
Here you go my unicorn girls!! *Blush Blush*
Just around 2 years we never met each other since here !
But we do LINE each other always! Unicorn hair is back!!! This is her symbol anyway!
My order--Ichigo milk.
Quite yummy and out of expectation! (Than other dessert lol)

Chanwon's Sweet pizza with cotton candy on!!

Chenelle's mixed dessert plate.

Camera too full of the sandrio loves!!!

Melissa & Lumi's ice cream and cream puff.
Guess what??The cup you can take away! What a good idea!

Kicker with all pretty onesan (means jie jie)!! He is the lucky guy..
Welcome to Tokyo again and just so happy to see you guys !

Before leaving you can really pick something you like and BUY it!!
There are a little shop for you can shop some omiyage or limited item ^^

More menu at the melody & sweet piano cafe.

Location: THE GUEST cafe&diner(Shibuya PARCO 7F)
Opening: 2015/03/19~ 2015/05/31 (11:00~22:00)
Tel: 03-3477-5773
Website: http://www.parco-art.com/web/other/exhibition.php?id=749
Good night!!
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