Few weeks ago I found this lip tattoo at some of the online store and managed to get one to try!! Just saw many pretty korean girls having this and my lip always looks super white if not get any lipstick on it,so I decided to buy one for myself.
(Heard it will lasting for 12H)

picture from google
So this is the my lip tint pack range and the colour is pretty cool huh?! Not sure it will looks good on me or...maybe not?! Quite excited to try it out.
I chose the colour bubble pink which is a bit pinky for me but heard my friends said shouldn't pick the lighter colour coz it is not obvious at all after you applied it. Bubble pink please be good to me.
Looks like jelly before open it and actually i thought it will smell like cherry or strawberry,but not at all.....just like some sticky glue..!! Oppss...
Quite red.....right?? Hope I'm not looking scary here. Quite love the colour here but maybe too red??!
All you need is waiting for 15 min! haha..selfie time.!!
Wtf I look like octopus here!
After you applied it quite scary if you zoom out your lips...Don't know why so gel and can't get used for this! Maybe is too cold the weather and the gel is not smooth.
I suggest you keep it in 20c warm place and it will become smooth when you apply it.
Japan is 7c that day. *No wonder*
Okay stop posting my octopus look and after 15 min I just peel it off.
The lips is not so red and the colour is quite natural.
Satisfied level ★★☆
Not too pink but dannyboy said quite okay...depends on person.Maybe I should use on his lip next time! lol
Its really lasting more than 8 hours..quite awesome that I place again the satisfied level again!
See ya!!
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