February 15, 2014

About my wedding ②

Back for blogging my wedding,actually the photo haven't done yet because of the super slow photographer...arghhhh..already 2 months but they keep saying haven't done yet..well,they have already promise Dannyboy will make for us on this come 25th,if not I introduce them to all of you la *Evil smile* will a full  long post and the conversation history will be sharing here also..(Seems its not a bad idea also)
So don't talk about the sad things,just share with you guys first about the wedding part 2 with my own photo and some of my friend's photo here.Sorry being so late actually...swt. Thank god my bridesmaid have took some photo if not I don't what should I blog about.

Remember last post I talked about the Hotel I stayed?Yes,definitely fully enjoy the whole night with my #addiction Fion and my pretty Chanwon.(Actually I already KO during the night and they still keep chilling until 4.30 in the morning.) I woke up 6.30am in the next day and waiting my stylist Hikky san for coming. I just can say,Japanese always be punctual to the time,because 6.25am she already came for helping me make up.Thats why I love to working with Japanese. Don't wanna talk about the photographer again because I will on FIRE again....wtf

My bridesmaid on duty...just for the brothers lol
Thank you my god sis Fiona who always take care of me when I still 14..that means we knowing each other for 10++ years! Just an amazing friendship and she is the one who know me well.Thanks for being so nice and love me. T.T
Of course because the brothers come...selca time with Fiona's TR10!!!!!
After done and standby for my boy.WIth my sister. She grown alot!i just never met her for 2 years.
Natural make up and odango hairstyle done by Hikky san and of course she did a very good job.I love the way when she styling for me.Sorry for the bad photo coz I forgot my camera...wtf and also the lighting so bad also...T.T

While waiting for the boy and can't believe I'm going to married and so nervous when they are still outside.Some friends and my sister stay along with me while waiting and we also chat alot since some of my friends have a long time never meet me...they said why you so fast going to married ya??? haha Why everyone asking the same question..I just don't know how to answer...

Well maybe I just find the right one,the one who love me than I love him.He is the one and the only one I feel like wanted to appreciate.
Of course ''I DO''.
Once again,thanks to my bridesmaid again!!!!
Busy bride are still busying selca inside the car...never stop (This is blogger pantern) and this the better shoots I took. Thanks to Dannyboy again make my dream comes true!
Reached the boy's place and to be continue the tea ceremony.I only know the ceremony is quite busy and alot thing to do and you should try once in your life and you will know actually the wedding video that you watched everytime was a shortcut for showing the ceremony.Actually is 9735527 long than you imagined.Everyone is happy,and it is worth.
Till then...
Will blog about my wedding part 3 soon and hope the photo will get ready soon...T.T


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