January 22, 2014

A date at Plan B Publika

I know it was a month ago,but I still wanna blog about it.Just a hair date with Lumi chan!!!Met her private in the second time when I said I wanna visit Hikky San and she just so happy and say ''I can fetch you go too''!I was like ''Really??I'm really feel glad she always so helpful la'' ,coz I just like a foreigner in Malaysia coz I have no transport and I dunno how to go Mont Kiara also...SOrry lo,just feel bad coz need troblesome my friend come and fetching me out.Im so sorry la...But!!!!Lumi Chan really thank you!
The cute pie with so pretty hair (she keep saying this is the fade version)

She said she also need a phone GPS sometimes coz KL's road are too complicated some time and she used to get into the wrong way!So no only me la everyone seems dunno la hahahahahahah
Just feel so lucky I got a very 100% super nice Navi guide on my car in Japan.
Pay my first visit to Number76 mont kiara for bridal hair discussing and color touch up also done with my first tansan hair wash!! Just feel so good after the hair wash and totally will visit again but seems Nalu omotesando don't have worrr...xxxx
Done with color touch up and PINK hair is back and hair become so smooth after the tansan wash and I just think they have a magic hand when blow your hair.How come I can't blow myself shiny hair ??!! 'Blamming'

Lumi Chan done with the magic treatment and don't she look so cute here??She looks more cute in real person OMG...miss her like hell!!!
One more thing is -----feel like a giant when stand beside her la,feeling so bad and she so slimmmmm!lol

As promised,she brought me to the place can having tasty egg benedit!!Wow fianlly I'm here,Publika.
Thanks for recommend me this delicious food,finally get back again in very soon!
Her trademark ''itadakimasu''.Have a very nice talk with her and she tell me it is not late to learn ballet now and I definitely wanted to try coz my dream was to be a ballerina.Just curious am I suit to learn lol She just a very positive person, she just keep telling me need to be a confidence ppl if not you will never be successful in the future.Yes,I'm over negative in my life.But seems I met a lot awseome ppl this 2 years and changed my life,blogging changed my life although I'm still a small potato,but I think just go on if you have a big dream.Everyone had dream.I just wanted to achieve it soon.
Thank you my fashionista.Love you so muchhhhh!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Go learn ballet la! It's never too late! It's really fun de!
