November 18, 2013

November favorites 2013

Hello guys!! Today is just about my november's favorite item.Yea,just postpone so many things I got it from last month and now is going to share with you guys (maybe I should say it is all my haul). Just changed my phone to 5s last month since I know my 4s is having some problem with the battery and I keep asking the staff if I can send my phone to fix the battery problem but they said they can't gurantee that my phone can be fixed or keep lagging like that.So I have changed to 5s and it is too sad for my 4s cases and some of them still available.
Back to topic,wanna say Gizmobies's iphone skin is always my favorite since I changed to 5s and I bought another brand new iPhone skin for myself.Actually keep confusing on so many cute design and finally I had chose the #kimsonghe one.

So the second item I bought is Emoda 3 way zipline bag.Yes,I have posted about it last post so i won't talk more about it. Sorry it is just so lovely and can't wait to show it everyday! It is not big as I expected but I think it is very useful!

The third item is stylenanda mirror.So confuses about what color I should buy and its okay I think black color always suit me. (But I saw so girls bought pink color) T.T So happy it is definitely the color that I wanted. I think this is the best size and you can bring along with you when hanging out.

Okay,next is something I got from Moussy.Moussy is a quite famous brand in Japan.Of course you can grab in shibuya109.This is my first buy in Moussy and feel that besides Emoda,Moussy's jeans is always look so good. Recently get know some Japanese friend in Instagram and she is Moussy's lover and she introduce so many Moussy's item for me and I definitely loving their apparel. Will update soon.

Next is a book which is produced by Ena Matsumoto (EMODA's producer). Which is ENA MAKE.Actually bought this book last month and sorry forget to update >.<
Okay,ENA MAKE come with a super awesome novelty----Emoda cosmetics lip gloss and really addcited on Emoda cosmetic and will try their products soon.
She is currently my favorite and she is a Hot mama now. She just inspired some many girls too much!How?I think you started fall in love with her.

Last come with my wedding shoes is arrived and took so many time to choose the shoes and seems I failed a bit coz the heel is too high and hope I won't 'pokkai' on my wedding day.Hope everything is fine and ....Dannyboy keep worrying I will looks extra tall on that day and he ask me to pretend short a bit when taking Laugh die me...Pink is for wedding dinner and white rose is for morning tea ceremony. How you think??

Okay,this is my november's favorite. One more month to back Malaysia to meet my favorite ppl and family! Yea,wedding mood ON! See you next post.


1 comment:

  1. Love the rose heels! :) Super elegant! And the pink one is hot too! :))))))) <3 nice post!!
