November 13, 2013


Hello,back for blogging about #ootd post and finally got my november favorite item from EMODA.Yes,3 way zipline bag which is new item in this coming winter and super excited wanna to buy 3 of them( black navy and red) and unlucky is sold out and navy after think few hours decided to buy red color! At least I try my first time with this super red bag. Luckily my clothes are monotone so I think it is not a big deal.I need to try all the crazy style before 30!!! lol

Trying to styling a casual style todat and will not update any details of this outfit because I think you guys already know! You see,monotone outfit is here again...old clothes with new bag!
Only 11c outside today I think I am totally crazy with this outfit and inside was just a t-shirt!! *Trembling*....>.< Don't ask me why I wear just a little bit because ai mei bu yao ming lol. (Read in mandarin) How was the matching? Hope you like it and I definitely like this so muchhhhhh!!

See you in next post!


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