September 4, 2013


 EMODA tee | ZARA basic leggings | H&M flats | GALSTAR studs leather bag |
An NG post I haven't ready but seems this shoot is so natural. Taken by iPhone 5 and the random camara man--DannyBoy.
Don't you think white and black is always looking good on everyone, wheater is chubby or slim bitches.You may match with some colorful item that makes your outfit looks more attractive.Like me,seldom using little bag because I have a lot of stuff need to carrying with me always...!Hope it looks good on me too. ^^

 A happy post before movie time.I will try to smile always when taking photo.
More outfit post coming soon and stay tuned :)

Extra photo today with my new hair color by last 2 days ago.I hope I can be blonde one day. Hair become so smooth after treatment and 3cm cutted! Hair color change to dark ash color. Can't wait to having crazy hair color in the year end. Any suggested color to me? Tell me by comment the comment box below or leave me an email.


1 comment:

  1. I oso want to try crazy hair colour babe! but don't dare to LOL. hmmm your personality seems to be like pretty cool and mature kinda person, so all those crazy rainbow hair maybe not suit you. You can try dip dye or blonde or really ASH colour?
