August 13, 2013

Just a wonderland that every girls dreamed!

As promised that I will blog about some cute stuff on my blog,so now I'm ready..are you ready to read?Since some of you have read my previous post,and you will know I have joined my fren to Nasu for BBQ and definitely super fun weekend that I had! Between there was a shoplot which is selling all floral printed item and furnitures,..etc..So have I showed you this picture on last blog post?

You can see all floral printed item and flower surrounded me and I'm just lost inside the shop....OMG! I just feel like wanted to make my room full of this stuffs!

There is a giant rose there and it is not decoration and it is for selling. Everything is just so lovely and I don't want to leave and keep looking around for 1 hour!
Just feel like wanna buy the whole rack with the giant rose! T.T.....

Even the dining table also lovely!!! The cake holder and the cake boxes...just imaging that you're having tea time on this table...awwww~~~~~

The tea cup set ....!!!

Feeling lost again...haisss..! I will go back for my lovely stuffs if I own a house! DannyBoy just ...silent for a while and he speechless....haha

Just thinking wanted to get this but over my budget so...bye bye white cupboard!...This is around RM2000..Maybe next time..
Btw,there are a coca-cola shoplot next to this shoplot and just don't have more time to walk around so just have 2 photos here.

Okay have fun Tuesday! :)


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