August 21, 2013

Anothet tagged post

Hello,been so boring when scrolling my blog?Sorry just nothing to blog recentlyI think everyone having the same problem or just me?Just have no idea to blog...-.- Urghhhhh!
But!!!! Have to thanks Bendan who is a cute blogger that she tagged me something and finally I have something to blog! HooRay!
Wanted to know me more?Keep scrolling please.
1. What's nickname that only your family calls you?
My family usually call my full name as well..don't know why and when it starts.Since my dad calling and everybody just call me like that. But my mom usually calling me 'Ruru' or 'Yiyi'.
2.What's a weird habit of yours?
I used to clean my ears twice a day.When I wake up and before I sleep. The serious period that I clean my ears 4 times in a day and afer that my ears got infection and swollen for a week. *My ears always dirty when during the humid weather.
3.Do you have any weird phobias?
Ichthyophobia maybe? I hate snakes!!!!! (Eveybody do)
But I tak boleh tahan some ppl buy snakes for pet.
4.What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone?
Depends on my mood of the day! I usually sing Japanese song (Mr.children's song / Kyarypamyupamyu's song) ! You can google or search on YouTube.
5.What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
I hate someone who walk super slowly in front of me. I used to walk so fast when I started to stay in Japan,and I hate how the auntie drives here (because they drives without following rules).
I can't bear with the girls act cute and they are totally 'SUPER DUPER OLD' already!!! Sorry I'm not mean it,but at least behave yourself when you are facing to public.
6. What's one of your nervous habits?
Will feel super nervous when doing presentation even on my working place or in-front of strangers.Just feeling everybody keep staring on me!
7.What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I used to sleeping on a mat when I was a child and I started to sleeping on a real bed when I was 18! Unbelieveable? Well,I just let my grandma and parents sleep on the bed and my home have no extra space to let me have a bed.
I want a super gorgeous king size bed in the future!!!!*make a wish*
8.What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?
erm....A kangaroo named 九叔公 when my parents got me when I was 5 but it lost when I move back my mom's home.So how 九叔公 doing right now? Nodoby knows......-.-
9.What's the drink you always order at starbucks?
Caramel steamer (Milk and caramel mixed).Which is only selling in Starbucks Japan I think! I don't drink coffee but depends on my mood that day! Sometimes frappucino also my favorite.( Of course summer is better)
10.What's beauty rule you preach,but never actually practise?
Sleep early and wake up early maybe? Drink 8 cups of water in a day! Sometimes just like to make it but everytimes failed! This is a bit difficult for me...but recently I have try to drink more water.
11.Which way do you face the shower?Face the wall?
 Face the wall la. Japanese shower room is not too big so I forced to face the wall.
12.Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
Don't have la..still discovering..........
13. What's your favorite comfort food that's 'bad' but you love to eat it?
Cup noodles and can food.I love instant noodles so much especially spicy noodles.Just love the unhealthy food always and my mom never bring us for fast food since I was a kid.That's why now I eat much that I can remedy back my kids life! (Just find some excuses to eat more)
14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
OMG...!! and HARRRR??!!!
This is my usual phrase haha..why I wil say like that because my Japanses friend always ask me for dating thats why I just keep answering their question with ''HARRR? Pardon.''
15. Time to sleep,what are you actually wearing?
Summer time is tank top with short leggings. Winter time is thick trainer and of course with super warm clothes on!
 Okay,satisfied with my post for today? Just doing so many tagged post recently and feeling so good for answer question. To know me more you can tag me a post and I will answer it! lol
(Actually I didin't know myself as well also or maybe you can?)
Once again thanks Bendan for tagging me and I'm still waiting my #addcition to blog this!
Happy wednesday!

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