July 26, 2013

【Tutorial】 Pinkie pinkie lips

Hi guys update a video again today!!Do you feel excited to see it??I'm just having too much fun for making video recently!Major on making video which is no need to talk too much and afraid you guys get bored of my ugly sound so I just 'diam' in this video la~!
Just going to sharing my favorite lipstick recently which is from Stylenanda 3 concept eyes #107 pinkish color.First,just afraid to try something which is cute and PINK becoz I thought I'm not suit it as well but when applied it seems looks like a bit purple color and very soft color! yay,LOVE it so much!
Today I'm going to share PINKISH color first!
So light color as you can see on this picture and sounds suit me a lot coz 我不喜欢太夸张!If you prefer more pinky that you want you can apply 2 more layer and it will become so PINK!

Here you are my video today with super super easy tutorial how I apply my lipstick daily!
Please bear with me okay,I'm just addicted on making video. (Just watch lah Please)

Anyway I know most of you know how to create more sexy lips than me but I'm just share mine one here and if you don't like you can just go *Pity kitten eyes* Will share on my sexy HOT lips tutorial soon!That time you can tell me which one you prefer and I will just go on that lips everyday! lol

Okay T.G.I.F everyone ♡ ♡ Going for Nasu kougen for BBQ tomorrow and gonna stay one night there and will take many pictures to show you guys and please stay with me by following my INSTAGRAM  !!!


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