You may ask me where to get this?ok tell you la.That day I was alone at home with the TV show and after that saw something is introduced on the TV show and found this is good and interesting!
So,I bought it through the TV shopping! *My 1st purchases* LOL
Someone used to tell me the stuff from TV shopping isn't so good and maybe there don't have good conditions but at least we need a try before judging that right?!So I'll be the ''white mice''!
I bought the 2 bottle set come with a free collagen essence! *How nice*
(So the collagen essence named COLLAGER)
So here comes the advertorial I done with Rose Peel.
Maybe I should show my dirty knee first!
Sorry I know it is very ugly! >.<
So lets see the gel is work or not.
So I apply some gel on my knee.Start doing massage on it just like you doing scrub as well.
As you see nothing happen but you'll see something pop out after you keep massage for 20 second.
OMG!!Can you see the disgusting thingy came out? Awwww.....this is all my dead skin cells!
OH no!!!Sorry let you guys see this but I really want to share the result to you jekk! *Maybe dun read my post during you meal*
After the thingy pop out and you keep massaging it for 25 second and rinse it with water!
So after this process,I got my pretty skin back!!!
*No filter and no other picture effect for this only edited the TEXT*
SEE my knee is alive!!!! *Claps*
Really curious la! Now I have change my mind to the TV shopping! See,I have tell you !!!
Let me show you the free girt which come by the set---Collager.

A 60ml collagen essence. You can apply on your face and everywhere you like to apply la.!
Although I'm still 25 and my mom always tell me no need to drink/apply collagen but I think this is the magic which make girls more prettier and prettier!You can see it is very thick and I can feel it is a good thing la *LOL* Become very auntie recently......-.-
Still want selca with the best damn thing in the world!! So my skin smooth so smooth!!! <3
Please jelly me! lol
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