July 28, 2013


Hello everybody Froggy is back from BBQ party with my friends!So excited and feeling wanted to post all the pictures share with you guys and since took so many pictures and my SD card is quite messy inside.So will going to share the awesome cafe which is located at Nasu shiobara and if you guys having a chance to Japan and come to Nasu(那須),please visit them.

Just start from today's lunch section,we have no idea where we should go for lunch and our friends is super hungry so we decided walk around and hunt for food.How lucky we are becoz we found a cafe which is serve Italian food and all of us just 'OKAY' for somethings which is not grill so Italian is a good idea.

Such a very unique place there are.Just so in love with their table and the garnish inside!Erm,I would like to come again next time!The cafe is very narrow inside and they just have 10 table seat and 8 counter seat, seems a petite cafe next to a accesories shop.

While waiting our food..of course picture time! Hubby and me, (I know you guys seldom see his face appear on my blog) lol

Actually I ordered a snow crab tomato pasta but unfotunately sold out this morning and they served me an egg plant tomato pasta..:( erm,not bad too but I want some fresh crab!!Hubby's pork curry rice the pork are just so yummy and so juicy! You guys should come here and visit them,you can shop in the limited coca cola's stuff shop,the floral printed accesories,unique stuff and some omiyage and lastly you can enjoy your lunch here! We spent around 2 hours here and this is a really best place for chill with your family,friends and bestie!

カフェ リビングスートン
(Cafe LivingStone)

Address: 那須町高久甲4328-1
Contact: 0287-63-8025
通常  09:45~18:30

Lastly come with today's outfit,my comfy uniqlo's top | DipDrops's high waist pant | SPINNS's sneaker | EMODA's bag pack | White babyG |

Gotta go to take a nap now and enjoy your sunday night!
Will update BBQ pictures soon and stay along with daphnefroggy.com


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