June 27, 2013

DisneySea part 1 with le bloggers

This is my 3th time to be here and I'm Disney's fans but not the crazier one! Lol Disney are all the kids dream and I bet how you guys feel envious on Japanese kids.Yes since I'm in the super shiawase country of course I need to enjoy it !Hopefully one day I can bring my younger sister here! :(
Feeling so sleepy that morning coz slept at 2am and woke up at 6am......shade is better to hide my panda eyes!
Happy 30th anniversary to Disneyland,Tokyo. But,we are going to DisneySea anyway since only one here and whole of the world!I prefer you guys going DisneySea if you are with friends or couples! DisneySea have more adventure games for adult!

With my favorite girl---Chuckei Jane!!So pretty huh?Luckily we have long sleeve cardigan that day and so cold the day :(
So sad for that!!

Girls selca time before raining! This is blogger's life okay?The Japanese feeling so weird and keep staring at us why we keep taking pictures all the way?lol Actually we are going for our first ride and just can't stop selca all the way..lol

Hello!!Super tired face and sorry xxxxxxx

Call us Daphne!! Keep hiding herself ..lol
The tower of terror!!!We got the first pass and can get the ride without queue later!So we just spent our time in the others ------Goooooooo!
next with Aquatopia!
Feeling dizzy...Natalie is enjoy..lol
After that we directly went back to the tower of terror----sorry no pictures here coz we directly went to the game....
And Daphne just keep shaking and worrying..
Coz Nat and me telling her this is very scary and keep scaring her with a lot of words...so she keep... " OMG can I just give up this?
So just sharing the intro video here and let you guys know actually what is the game for...

Okay! Me like this alot!
Picture again!

Thanks to the friendly staff there and this is the only group picture for us!! :)

Next is queue for ranging spirits!!
This is also my favorite attraction!!High speed roller coaster always my choice!Not much photo here coz all are in Jane's cam are taken by Ashley! :(

Part 1 is finished! lol
Will blog about the rest soon coz the photo is so messy and need time to arrange it! For those who love Disney and you can watch this video below and feel what we feel actually here!

''You are welcome!''

Grab from youtube and this is the DisneySea!!


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