The rabbito case with Aussie souvenir & LOVE LETTER also! Awww~~~~~
The story begins like last time I sent her a box of pressie because she won the prize on my blog's quiz.She was just too happy for that and box she still keeping there (she told me).She is really cute!You can read one more time by click BOX OF LOVE.
Anyway she has already told me that she post out before she get back to Aussie and she said sorry to me because she has late for that and hope everything inside is okay..(Don't worry,all things are safe here right now)!!

Actually the envelope broke abit but luckily all the stuff are safe!
The thing she worrying alot was the rabbito's tail! lol..Okay now showing you the rabbito's tail is still alright! Million thanks to my #addiction who send me such a lovely gift!
Good condition somemore! lol
Very gam-Dong's Love letter...(of coz cannot let you guys see)

We never know each other and because we blog and started to know each other on FB.That's why internet is so important for us right now.Since dunno when we get closer and we found out that we have the same hobbies or same habits I should say!We love JKS and of coz you fan girl than me la.
LOL Your blog so attractive with all the guitar & you love music...that is the first impression of you.
Dunno what should I write to you Fion!Really so gam dong after read the letter you wrote for me,okay I just want to say I'm not that famous that you think and I'm just so thankful always have you spam my whatsapp and ding dong my FB inbox!Always talk with me and ask me am I alright when I'm upset or sick...really thankful..Although I don't have good personality in real person la..>.<
Thank you always support me & share you life story with me,I'll be your good sister if you say YES!
See the little pink on my phone now! Thankiu for giving my first rabbito to me my #addiction!!
I'm a very happy girl now and don't forget our promise ok??Go Korea or come Japan or I go Aussie!!Gonna hug you tight tight!Muacksss!!