Hi! Since you see the title and congratulation for myself for being mom for 1 year! Thanks for being so nice to me kicker boy (because he slept well at night never cry too much). Really thankful!
Sometimes is just annoyed because of he nag me but think back it was a good memory.
One year ago,he was allowed to go back home after 7 days staying at NICU and we are just so excited to see him in real and learn how to bath a baby and feed him. A lot of problem and we just found out new born baby just too many pattern and they seems not really get used with the outside life so do cried a lot. After you know them as well,you will found out why they cry for.
Being a mom,it is a successful journey for treating new born baby and ready for the next step.

That was me and kicker and finally we are home.

Me just starting my confinement and lose 6kg after give birth. (But still overweight than my previous record) Just cannot believe actually pregnant is quite big difference. Im always yawning about my belly is so big and no more clothe for me anymore and forced to quit my job temporary because there are no uniform can be fitting anymore.
I have record every face from kicker and he do have a lot of FIRST TIME.

kicker first toys--tsum tsum!

His first angry face lol
Actually he hates to change diaper everytime and keep crying so we tried a lot way to explore whats going on. We tried to bought him a wet wipes warmer because that time was winter when kicker born so we wondering is the cold wet wipe makes him feel uncomfortable. ( Actually still not sure what happen till now)

First time bringing him out during winter time! He was so tiny yet.

After long time,I decided to cut my hair to shoulder length. As so hard to take care him because baby always wanted to grab your hair. The first time I left kicker with daddy at home and went salon alone. Self pampering is important.

When I was pregnant,my skin is quite good maybe is without alcohol. Really no need to apply any moisturiser even during winter time my face won't have any problem even naked face also quite fine. I started to miss it! I'm still worrying that during pregnant cannot be drinking something but really feeling thankful to kicker because no need to waste money for expensive skin care.

First time sitting! He still 4 months old I think. Just me waking him up every morning but now is he waking me up lol

Kicker first try---Swimava! He likes it a lot....but not now :(

He first dressing like a white bear. Fluffy jumpsuit is present from grandma and unfortunately it just be wearing for 3 times and cannot suit anymore after that. This is so cute but sigh....

Kicker 100 days (weaning ceremony) for him! Read here if you wanted to know.

His first visit to Ikea too. Sitting like a bog boss and he just loves to outing with us ( It will be a good way if he get used with it) wish to go travel with him one day.

Kicker first sakura blossom experience.He will have more sakura season soon since he is staying in Japan.Hope it will not make him bored.lol
But I'm sure he never see probably for this because he was just 5 months old that time.

His first Disney trip which is with Chanwon on last spring! I was so worried actually because never been bringing a baby with me to Disneysea and there are always crowded -.-

Ya some of you have already know...my phone screen was cracked after this trip. (So be ready while travelling with baby)
Kicker first matsuri,Disneyland...etc We loves to bring him along and hope he will get used with the environment.

Time flies,it was kicker half years old bday party!Bought him a crown and I think he will be our king forever lol

Once you being a mom,seems everything will change slighty. You will know if you still single! Damn miss my single life actually...>.<
After 6 months old he never sleep so silent like this..haiss

Changed all your shoes closet to this...no more heels and only flats.

You will not have any extra time for your meal and someone will keep disturbing.
Knock the table and take over all the stuffs on table...

You will have a plenty of baby food inside the fridge and drawer. Just for the little one.

When he refused to eat,you will be the one who worrying and sad.

Having someone who sleep between us haha *sorry for naked face*
We used to wearing mask sleep during winter time to keep our throat moisture and avoid from sick.
You can try if you are sick, its really work!

You will have more that 300 selfie picture inside your phone.

Can't believe it can be so fast and from a small baby turn to big baby lol

More Journey to come!
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