March 11, 2014

Wedding actual day

Finally wedding photos on hand!Ready to read?Not going to talk more again maybe just let the pictures

Everyone said I looks exactly my mom.

Thank you mom,I will not forget.
I don't even know my dress looks so good.
Daddy,thanks for protect me for over 20 years,finally I'm ready to be other'a wife.My favorite man in the world.

Ready to meet my new family.
It is too hard for a bride,with super heavy dress and high heel.

I was like 'Hold my hand I'm afraid I'm going fall down'

Video is coming up soon.Stalk my facebook or instagram for more update!



  1. i have been waiting this for so long!!! finally!!!
    i love your wedding dress.. it is super awesome!!!!
    anyway.. congratx again!!! mua...

  2. for sure I will stalk ur fb and insta!
