September 14, 2013

Behind the Scene of------The pre-wedding shooting

Hello,back for blogging in Saturday.Guess what I'm going to blog today? The title already told you guys Sorry I'm just trying to make my post be more wordy.So just done with my pre-wedding shoot in Japan and maybe you guys will ask me why Japan?Actually I contacted a lot of photographer in Malaysia and trying to have a pre-wedding shoot when we hanging back but seems it is too rush for DannyBoy because he will only be in Malaysia for only 10 days.!We have no idea to do with our pre-wedding photo and seems everybody are doing the same shooting in Malaysia also...(Okay,nothing special jek)
I didn't mean anything but all I want is some pretty photo!!!!(Blogger's desire?)Of course we call it as PRE-wedding,of course we needed to solve it before wedding! So one day I'm asking him should we take some Japanese tradition kimono wedding shoot as well (since we are living here for long time already) So WE DECIDED TO DO IT and keep researching for it.

A studio we found nearby Asakusa--the kaminari mon temple is super famous maybe you should visit someday. Here are the photo that I visited the studio past few weeks.
 Maybe no need to explain more for the studio because you can feel how pretty kimono they have and you can choose 人力車course for the wedding shoot just like this...can you just imagine how amazing is it? Well,summer here and we just choose for the Japanese garden style.

Actually Japanese studio is not allow us to take any photo so when during styling my hair and make up and I just trying to take more photo and now you can only see this post appear on my blog actually.The iPhone 4s is too bad quality on photo so should change to iPhone 5s..haha
First she ask me about the hairstyle and make up style.I'm so happy they willing to ask you what you want and they are always caring you all the way (Japanese's power) Too touching!
After one and half hour I bacame so girly ahahahahaha! With front look and side look.They just keep asking your opinion and trying to make what you wanted to be! Awww~~touch again. T.T
DannyBoy said the flower is TOO about you guys?
Make up of the day. With purple eyeshadow (totally my favorite)

After 2 hours all done and its time for wearing the super heavy kimono.This is especially for bride and extremely heavy the back side..back bone is going to broke.(No la just a bit heavy but is my favorite) .

We are ready and with the DannyBoy here.We didn't ask permission for taking this photo so this is secretly shoot and we just wanted to share the happiness only right?Luckily we are inside the make up room together and luckily the couple before us taking a long time for their shooting so we can have time to selca....until no batt..-.-

So excited for our shooting? No,this is only the photo with me and will update more soon after receive all the pretty photo from the photographer.Ok,just done this and its a long long way to go and we running out of time for our wedding,my wedding shoes...etc haven't settle OMG! Well,anything I will blog here to show you guys and hopefully you guys never forget me if I'm busy and never blog..-.-

STAY TUNE :) Have a nice weekend ahead <3


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