August 28, 2013

DannyBoy Pre-birthday celebration

Just done with DannyBoy birthday's clelebration.Well,it was yesterday and thanks all the wishes from friends and some of my readers !Danny said thank you for all your wishes and very appreciated!
So just went for lunch since I have off day on last weekend and we decided to have Chinese food again (don't know why we can't get out of chinese food) maybe we should try other food next time.

So,craving for food in the morning!! Goooooooooooooooooooo------

The Chinese restaurant we always going for, they just served a nice place for us ( as you see they having a very nice Japanese style garden right there! Opppssss,we are inside a room which can enjoy garden view!

I celebrated my birthday here last year you can view here .(See wheater I have changed a bit or so many?) haha!
So,started to order some food here and we decided to have order style buffet which is so famous here and they serve over 50 kind of dishes! Of course we can't finish all but we order something we love!

Just find something I love here.Eat and drink with unlimited time and just loving the enviroment here.
Food spam...the scallop is just too big here....o.O
The dim sum here is so nice also.Since I came Japan,never having such a nice dim sum and unexpected oishiiiiii! DannyBoy keep ordering the 'xiu mai' and we just ordered 10++ pieces....>.<

The special menu here with 'dan dan mian',is in cold version because now is summer right?
Super full and nothing to do so keep taking photo! wow...

Finally dessert come and I just surprised him with my handwritting chocolate plate!
Not bad huh?! lol He is just very happy for that... OMG you can write like this,it is so pretty! (He said)

Happy birthday la DannyBoy! 29th birthday and fianally he can get a super good wife before 30th! (Am I self-praising too much?) whatever la?!

Once again! Happy birthday to DannyBoy and stay happinese



  1. babe! This is such a sweet celebration! Happy birthday to your hubby! :DDD Hmm I think you didn't change much, probably just the outfit and make up, last year look more kawaii and this year more sophisticated sexy hahaha! :) And great chocolate handwriting!!! :)))) Your hubby is a lucky guy! :)

    1. Thank you my XIXI babe <3

      Just so surprised you left me a long long comment here.Erm,maybe make up always make ppl looks different.Thank you and I'm getting older jor...>.<

      Lets see next year how I transform to~
