July 15, 2013


Hello lovely readers!Monday blue..hope my OOTD post make you feeling better!Oh yay,this is yesterday outfit and should be updated yesterday hope it is not too late.You can see this OOTD on my instagram anyway I'm going to post all pictures here. *blush blush*
One of my favorite tank top got it from vivi magazine and it is by Snidel (So far I never buy anything yet from Snidel and will visit soon) Super good quality tank top that make me feel shock(actually the magazine just 698JPY and really thankful to Japanese)
I bet all of you got this and maybe 80% of you have this 'BLESS' tee.It is too arkward when you wearing this go out and meet somebody who wearing the same things with you...arghhhhh! But,just don't mind it coz it will make you feeling more 'paiseh' anyway.
Super duper HOT in Japan(i mean the weather huh) nearly 38c yesterday and went stepped out from my apartment and starting to sweat already! lol So tank top is not work at all,hope the ugly summer faster go away from here!
 MURUA shade | Snidel Bless tank top | ZARA shorts | EMODA clear porch | SPINNS's creeper |
EMODA Pink iPhone case |

This summer's trend----white outfit and color palm item.Faster get yours summer item!Yes,me definitely love white color coz somebody said I always having 'MODE' look. lol Guess who saying this??

Going to post up a collab post with my addiction (FION) tomorrow and you can have a chance to see my childhood's face as well.Ummmm,please look forward for it and I'm ready to let you guys read my life.

DO follow me!

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