Hello,update today again and finally spring is sround the corner! Lovely weather and very warm in Japan now.Seems wedding have a lot things to prepare.Me busying looking the wedding dress and hubby busy for inviting his friends and family.Looking for photographer & prepare for wedding shooting...will have some special shooting.Looking forward to our mini wedding dinner.Why say so?Because we actually planning a honeymoon wedding as well but my parents prefer traditional wedding ceremony like Tea ceremony to cousins and is this needed??We rarely spend our money to travel than those sucks ceremony.(I didn't mean I hate but it is lots of thing to prepare)
Ok,me just like busying to finding my bridesmate and some closer friends coming to my wedding dinner.Actually looking few blogger to come so maybe will plan soon so stay tune for my post!
So now started looking for my wedding dress and I plan to buy one!Maybe will rent one pieces,ohh~seems I'm so excited for my wedding.Need some sample for wedding dress and I just search few dresses if you have some bridal shop for intro just send email to me daphnefroggy1019@gmail.com or leave a msg to me.

# Princess look.

#Elegant dresss?

#Romantic floral dress.
So many choice to pick and I'm so confused so keep looking for my dream dress.Sorry keep posting about my pre-wedding episode here maybe make my blog so boring.lol I'm just too look forward for my wediing.You will know when you meet your Mr.right.Like me,just a BRIDE TO BE soon!
Scroll down for reading my feeling to be a Bride if you haven't read! Bye.
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