Very healthy fruits and few types of barley and almond,coconuts,corn...etc..So maybe show you in real one will make you feel want some too?? :)

Zoom zoom zoom for the little fruits to you guys..*You are welcome* Teehee XD
According to wikipedia,granola is a breakfast food or snacks which is from North America (American food la) and usually have lotsa dried fruits,of course raisin and dates inside.Granola is often eaten in combination with yogurt,honey and maybe should called in other forms like cereal as well.
Okay we shouldn't judge is that granola good or no good to our body cause by some reason sometimes.You should know what included inside and which brand you buying for.Maybe cause by:
Why is your favorite granola so delicious? Probably because it's loaded with sugar, corn syrup, honey or some other kind of sweetener designed to give it that delicious taste. One serving of Nature Valley Low Fat Fruit Granola, for example, gives you a whopping 18.4 g of sugar. Nobody needs that much sugar for breakfast. Look for granola with 5 g or less per serving, or make your own unsweetened granola and sweeten it with a little agave, which is much better for you.
Many granola products make heavy use of oils, which gives them a high fat content. Be especially wary of processed fats; look for ingredients such as partially hydrogenated soybean or peanut oil.
So please choose be careful for your healthy breakfast,Maybe you think you have chosen some good food but maybe you can just mixed with milk or soymilk if you hate for animal fat.

I'm choosing Calbee's granola and Japanese called as 'FURUGURA' which is mean Fruit's granola and this is very tasty and you really feel fullness of it coz Japan have release many stuff for diet and I bet you heard about jelly which is called as 'Konnyaku' in Japanese.(蒟蒻)

I can only recommend you guys taking this in the morning and not for snacks time and it may brings you FAT!!Actually granola containing less FIBER,PROTEIN and also FAT CONTENT.
Granola is low in fiber(awww...-.-), with just 2 g in each cup. Dietary fiber is a vital nutrient that can help stabilize your blood sugar levels, promote colon health and aid in weight loss, as it promotes feelings of satiety. Switching to a lower-calorie, high-fiber snack, such as a 140-calorie fiber bar, which provides 9 g of fiber, may be a more appropriate weight loss food.
Granola is low in protein, as each cup provides 5 g of protein. Choosing higher protein foods can aid in weight loss. Research from the May 2008 issue of "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" suggests that protein provides more satiety than carbohydrates and fat, and can enhance daily energy expenditure, or calorie-burning.
One beneficial aspect of granola is the high fat content, 6 g per cup. While fat increases the calorie content of foods, it can be beneficial because it promotes satiety. Fat also helps your body digest certain nutrients and enhances flavor.
So I have talk so much for my lovely breakfast today.Hope you don't misunderstanding my post and if you dislike oats or dried fruits you can choose another high fiber bar for your breakfast and my personal idea is eat more and healthy as you can during your precious morning and avoid eating heavy food after 8 in night time.I won't bluff you and it will brings you really nice body and be slim whole life.Be a healthy girl,don't forget water is important too.
One beneficial aspect of granola is the high fat content, 6 g per cup. While fat increases the calorie content of foods, it can be beneficial because it promotes satiety. Fat also helps your body digest certain nutrients and enhances flavor.
So I have talk so much for my lovely breakfast today.Hope you don't misunderstanding my post and if you dislike oats or dried fruits you can choose another high fiber bar for your breakfast and my personal idea is eat more and healthy as you can during your precious morning and avoid eating heavy food after 8 in night time.I won't bluff you and it will brings you really nice body and be slim whole life.Be a healthy girl,don't forget water is important too.
So let's start Granola with me too,cheers~~!
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